As an experienced engineer I help teams see the results of their actions and experience the shared realization of our projects ambitions. At the intersection of development, testing, and operations lies a number of interesting questions: What is our vision? How will we create our future? As a professional I'm comfortable with focusing on the"why" behind specific technology choices, and more importantly, the "why not?"
In practice I give many technical talks a year, and am hired to help out Dev and DevOps teams build the company's future.
Senior DevOps, Luma Pictures
February 2020 - March 2020
Built production-ready license service using best practices. Wrote Ops troubleshooting guide: simplified maintenance, increased ROI .
Tech stack: Docker, GitLab, Kubernetes, On-prem
Senior DevOps/Backend Dev Santa Monica
March 2018 - February 2020
Tech stack: Ansible, AWS, CircleCI, Docker, Firebase, Node, Postman, Pritunl, Python, SendGrid, Serverless, Terraform, Typescript
Observability: Dashbird, Ghost Inspector, Pagerduty, Papertrail, Pganalyze, Pingdom, Sentry
Fullstack Dev & Ops
JohnTellsAll consulting Culver City
December 2016 - October 2019
Anna Smykova
Senior Software Engineer
Experience at
Hugo Samayoa
Cloud Engineer
Experience at
Lucas Venturella
Senior Software Engineer
Experience at
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