DIYI Projects
Video Games
Experienced Go engineer, mentor, and architect. I design customer software applications in Go, supervise teammates and review their code, and enjoy building high-performance, easy-to-use software.
Software Engineer, Theorem
11/2019 – Present
Work on various Theorem projects (Proof's parent company), including:
• Custom Dbaas for Couchbase
• Custom ad network backend for BounceX
• Confidential projects for Apple
Software Engineer, Manglar Labs
12/2016 – 11/2019
Train teammates in Go and coding best practices.
Supervise and review teammates code.
Develop a custom weighted connected-component labeling algorithm to identify cockroaches
proliferation through analysis of photosensors matrixes snapshots through time. Design and
implement genetic algorithm to adjust parameters using Go.
Design and implement a Go and Raspberry Pi Zero based Zigbee gateway for agricultural
Architect and implement a mobile app's data model and stores with PostgreSQL and Redis, Go
gRPC and REST API and backend, MQTT based asynchronous communication and React and
React Native frontends.
Build custom functionalities and views over the LoRa Server project, an open-source LoRaWAN
solution, for our private system. Contribute to the open project with documentation and React and
Go components, and help as a moderator in their support forum.
Build open-source tooling for the LoRa Server project, such as an authentication and
authorization plugin for the Mosquitto MQTT broker and an end-device simulator to aid
infrastructure testing.
Develop an embedded intelligent card reader for event tickets with local and synchronized central
storage written in Python.
Software Engineer, PCU
04/2014 – 04/2018
Public grant research project, Fondecyt number 11130577: "Identification Of Patient Cohorts In
Large Clinical Databases Using Temporal Abstractions And Temporal Patterns Of Clinical
Java desktop and DB agnostic application tested with PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Feature rich backend implementing several temporal abstractions, conditions and relations
between intervals for patient phenotyping.
Simple graphical query system to express complex medical temporal descriptions.
Rails frontend for large patients databases to aid team’s research.
Fullstack Developer, AgendaPro
12/2014 – 08/2016
Build and maintain a Rails backend and API for a scheduling and management SaaS.
Implement views with Rails templating system and JQuery.
Test and optimize PostgreSQL configuration, stored procedures and general queries.
Monitor servers and applications health with New Relic.
Architect automatic deployments using Capistrano.
Karel Tamayo
Staff Engineer
Experience at
Anna Smykova
Senior Software Engineer
Experience at
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